
Dogs are a vital part of a healthy community.

I have met and photographed nearly 580 dogs, in a spontaneous way, almost all while walking my own 3 year old golden retriever. Over 1400 photo sessions around the streets and parks of Jamaica Plain. The response within the community has been wonderful.

How Jamaica Plain Dogs got started.

Sophie / February 24, 2024

On February 24th 2024, I photographed Sophie on a walk in the arboretum. A few days later I asked some of the dog parents I had known for a while if I could also photograph their dogs. Photography has been one of my main passions since 1999.

In that first week, I also photographed Aloo and Roman, their parents were very gracious allowing me to take some photos. I also met Kupo, Leia, Toby, Darby and Delta that first week, as well as three other dogs whose names I sadly don't have. (This was before I was writing down the names). If it hadn't been for their kindness, I dont know where the project would be today.

By the second week of March, the project as it is known now was really on a roll. It became a nice way to spread a little joy and fun for the dog people in Jamaica Plain.

You can also follow on instagram @jamaicaplaindogs and redwylie on Flickr.

If you happen to notice your dogs name is spelled incorrectly, please email me jamaica plain dogs at gmail dot com.