Breed / age / how old was Sloppy Joe when you adopted him?
Chihuahua, pit bull and dachshund. Estimated to be around 5 years old (~3 when I adopted him)
What would you most like to say about Joe
Sloppy Joe has kind of a fascinating back story. He came up to a Rhode Island rescue from Georgia where they found him with an injured leg. I remember reading his bio on the rescue's website that said something along the lines of "he's the sweetest, most playful, loving dog ever, the only problem is he has this leg injury." I had no intention originally to adopt a dog with an injury or disability but I remember talking to his foster mom and saying "I don't know if I can take on a dog with an injury like that but I'll come up and meet him just to see" and she said "good luck, you're gonna fall in love with him." I drove up to RI to meet him and sure enough on the drive back I was thinking "he could have no legs and I'd still want him!"

He saw the vet a few days later who said he should get the leg amputated. By then, I was already locked in and we got started on the adoption paperwork. He came home with me in July 2022 and actually got a second opinion from another vet who said with FHO surgery and physical therapy he would be able to keep the leg. The surgery completely removes the bone connecting the leg to the hip and through PT, they are able to create a false joint. In September 2022 he had the surgery and a couple months later he graduated from PT.
The recovery process was definitely very intense. It was emotionally draining to see him be in pain, and I had to constantly monitor him very closely to make sure he wasn't running or jumping. I'm very lucky to have family nearby who were a great help. Nearly 2 years later and he's doing amazing! He did develop arthritis in his hip from having his leg fractured for who knows how long, but he takes his joint supplement and he is still playful and active! You would never even know he was injured!

I'm not one who typically believes in fate or destiny but I really think we were meant to find each other. It's often really hard to find smaller dogs that are rescues and a lot of the dogs I applied to went really fast. Joe was actually in foster care for a couple months while waiting to see the vet about his leg issue. He had met some other potential adopters, but they didn't want to take him on with the uncertain situation regarding his leg. It just so happened that I stumbled upon him on the rescue website a couple days before his vet appointment, so once his action plan was settled, I was first in line to take him home! I'm a huge dog person and I love all dogs but, oh man, I really can't imagine having any other dog besides Sloppy Joe as my own.
What do you know about your dog's life before they joined yours?
We don't have any information on his life in Georgia, but before I adopted him he lived in Rhode Island with a lovely woman named Heather, her husband, two kids and two other dogs. She and I are still in touch and I send her updates about him.

How would you describe some of your Joe's most prominent personality traits? How does your Joe's personality suit you, and how much are you alike?
He is really just a very affectionate and loving little guy. He cuddles with me in my bed while we sleep every night. He burrows himself under the covers and just nudges his head into my armpit and curls up next to me. He always wants to be held or cuddled or pet. If I'm sitting on the couch reading or working on my computer or something, he will literally push his head under my hand to make me pet him.
He goes so crazy when he sees someone he knows. He doesn't just wag his tail, he shakes his entire butt. One of the things I remember it saying on his bio on the adoption website is that the moment he sees someone, he rolls right over on his back for a belly rub, which turned out to definitely be true.
I sometimes joke that we are very similar in terms of needing a lot of attention and affection (but it works out because we have each other.)

What makes Joe happy?
Belly rubs, treats, playing with his friends, seeing his grandparents.
Does Joe have a certain play style
He likes to play with his ball in the house but I get annoyed because he refuses to give it back so we don't usually do it all that much. At my parent's house he likes to play this game that my dad has dubbed "stair ball" where he sits at the top of the stairs and nudges the ball down with his nose, then my dad throws it back.
His favorite form of play by far though, is running around with his friends and play-fighting.

How did your life change when you got Joe?
It is so hard to even begin to describe how my life changed when I got Sloppy Joe. You know how a lot of mothers say things like "I didn't know it was possible to feel this much love until I held my newborn baby".. Well that's how I feel about Sloppy Joe.
Getting a dog is definitely a lot of work and a big lifestyle change (and a decent drain on the wallet), but I've never felt a single second of regret. I've been through some tough times since adopting him two years ago, but no matter what I'm going through, I know I always have my little Sloppy Joe, and that will always get me through.

Did you grow up with dogs? How is it different now?
I did grow up with a little terrier named Bo. We had him from when I was 7 to when I was 22. I loved him, but oh boy he was kind of a menace. He barked constantly, tore up everything in the house, peed and pooped all over the floor and carpet, grabbed food right out of your hand, etc.
When I told my parents I was adopting a dog of my own, I think they imagined the dog would behave like Bo because they kept saying "we're not gonna help you with the dog at all" and now they will literally call me and say "we haven't seen Sloppy Joe in a bit, can you bring him over? We miss him." I don't think they realized it was possible to own a dog that was well behaved.

Does Joe have a pack and or a best friend
My dog definitely has some best buddies in the neighborhood. I'd say his best play-friends are probably Ozzie, Willa, Leia, Leif and Eddie.
What does having a dog pack/dog parent community mean to you?
It is very nice to have a community of dogs in the neighborhood. He loves to play so much and I felt bad taking him away from his two buddies in his foster home, so it's nice to know he has so many friends nearby that he can play with regularly. It's also just really nice to have friends he knows well and he's comfortable with because he can be quite picky about who he likes. I am moving (just half a mile away) next month, but I'm hoping we can still make it back to this area sometimes to see his friends!
A very special thanks to Naomi for writing and sharing Sloppy Joe's story.
If you would like to share your dog's story, you can find all the details here.